The range of welding torches is confusingly big for the first glimpse. And still there are welding tasks for wich a series product is limitedly or absolutely not applicable. For those, who are seeking custom designed torches we have great news: we have vast experience at this area, and our custom torches are top quality products as well our series torches are. And what can be the difference between a series torch and a custom torch? You can read below.
Modified length torches
MIG torches are regulary 3-4-5 m long, but in some cases it’s better to choose a shorter one. A tipical case is welding aluminium. Al-welding wires are much more difficult to feed, so a lot olf Al-welders are seeking shorter, 1,5-2 m long torches. We assamble them with teflon guides and Al-fit contact tip.
The other case is when You may need a shorter torch, when You are short of space, due to the order of the factory and the welding situation. Moreover there are a lot of customers, who ask us to shorten their well-working torches. Using a shorter cable enables You to keep order and tidiness at Your working station, and they are less exposed to some tipical cable-damaging situations.
Off course there are ones, who simply need a longer cable. If You work not in a factory, but on the site, You need the longer ones. For example our TG GRIP type is a popular choice even with 7 m length. But You have to be aware, that the resistance of the wire-feeding increases in exponential to cable length, so we do not advice to choose a MIG cable over 7 m.
Custom design torch necks
There are welding situations where standard necks are just limitedly or totally not applicable. Customers regularly seek extra long necks, either gas- or watercooled or turnable types. Fun fact: the longest neck we have manufactured was 1500 mm long. Be aware, the longer the neck, the more difficult it is to perform a proper weld. It is really uncomfortable to hold torch with a 500 m long neck with single hand. And it is impossible when choosing a longer one – at least if You wolud like to hold it stable, and wolud like to produce a fine weld.
TW 501 neck. Length: 600 mm.
Series of TF36 turnable necks. Up to 1500 mm
There are customers, who would like to buy a neck bent by a custom angle (or not bent, in special cases). Again You have to be aware wire feeding difficulties, so think well if You really want a neck bent by more than 45°. Some clients need a reverse-bent neck – at also causes no problem.
Gas cooled MIG torch assembled with 600 mm straigth neck
Autamatical system-fit torches are a different group. Although there are automatical water cooled torches in our series range, we can produce gas cooled autamatical torches as well. They can be ordered with special neck bending. These torches are technically equivalent to our TG or TGW types anyway.
TSW 501 AUT water cooled automatc-fit MIG torch with straigth neck
TSW 501 AUT water cooled automatc-fit MIG torch with straigth neck - consumables
Torches with modified plugs
Basically we assamble our MIG torches with EURO, and our TIG torches with Dinse-type plugs. But there are a lot of welders, who would like to pair well-tried torch to an other kind of machines. We have a lot of types of plugs on stock, and if not, we can manufacture them. This type of conversion will cause no difficulties to us. It regularly occurs at used torches, but it’s a reasonable solution at new ones. The simpliest and the best is if You order a new one with Your type of plug.
TR26- B GRIP top end TIG torch with Lorch plug.
So if You are in a need of a custom designed torch, just contact us. We are sure we will find the solution fo You. We hope You are convinced by the examples.